AI Investing for exponential gains

Discover our strategies, which all have outperformed their relative benchmarks

  • crypto maxi

  • risk parity

  • crash cost averaging

  • Bubble Trader

  • Leveraged Trader

CRYPTO MAXI (a crypto strategy)

Running live since 2022 and simulated since 2018, this strategy has showcased an astounding performance, delivering returns over 800% better than Bitcoin, and that's while trading only BTC and ETH.

It achieved these returns while surviving 2 crypto winters and exhibiting less volatility than Bitcoin.

What is 1.2 Labs ?

We provide innovative trading strategies of volatile assets (cryptos, cannabis, AI, green energy...)

Welcome to 1.2 Labs, the forefront of AI trading and investment data.

As a pioneer in the financial data landscape, we are dedicated to providing actionable insights tailored for both novice and seasoned investors, ensuring they navigate the financial markets with unparalleled precision and confidence.

Bubble Trading Bulletin

Discover the latest market trends and new trading ideas and strategies by joining the weekly 1.2 Labs Bubble Trading Bulletin

  • AI Sentiment Analysis for key trading sectors (Cryptos, Tech, Commodities, Cannabis, etc.)
  • Lessons in trading high volatility assets and innovative investment strategies
  • Analysis of the key features affecting the macroeconomy this week

1 high-value email per week, every Sundays

Meet the team

Sebastian Purcell, PhD

Founder & CEO

Elyse Purcell, PhD


Todd Mei, PhD

Research Analyst

Dushan Jancik

Head of Marketing

Dominic Viera

Research Engineer

Samantha Russell

Research Analyst

Nicole Zinuhova

Research Analyst

Michelle Milan

Research Analyst

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