The trading volume of USDC vs USDT:
- USDC is bought 14x more than USDT, and sold less than half as much as USDT.
- USDC ranks at the top of most used Stablecoins, while USDT doesn’t even show up.
- The trading volume of USDC is about 5x more than that of USDT.
What this means:
The top 100 whales seem to be anticipating “The Flippening”, or the transition of Market Cap Dominance from USDT to USDC.
Their actions indicate favoring USDC (in green) over USDT (in yellow).
Further, with growing crypto regulations in the background, USDC is better prepared to survive SEC investigations than USDT, adding to the favoritism. In short, when it comes to USDC vs USDT, USDC is the favorite and safer.