The Telegram game “Hamster Combat” has quickly gained immense popularity since its release in April, attracting millions of users. Despite this success, the game’s administrators have taken a firm stance against accepting venture capital funding. During a recent broadcast to their community, they criticized the practice of using crypto venture capital as an “exit liquidity” mechanism. This term refers to projects that secure venture capital investment, use their growing user base to boost token prices, and then allow investors to cash out at the expense of the community.
The admins highlighted that they have turned down multiple investment offers from some of the largest venture capital firms in the Web3 space. Their refusal stems from a desire to maintain the integrity of the project and avoid the increasingly common trend in the industry where companies focus more on securing funding than on creating real value. According to the admins, too many Web3 projects prioritize raising funds and marketing over building sustainable and valuable platforms, leaving users with devalued tokens when the initial excitement fades.
Hamster Combat offers a unique gaming experience where players assume the role of a virtual hamster CEO of a chosen crypto exchange, like Binance or OKX. Players earn points by interacting with the hamster, which can be used to upgrade their in-game exchanges. The game operates on the TON blockchain and reportedly had 200 million users by July, with 53 million subscribers on its Telegram channel. Players can convert in-game currency into HMSTR tokens, tradable on cryptocurrency exchanges.
The game developers have ensured that the only way to obtain the future HMSTR token is through gameplay, with 60% of the total supply reserved for players. The remaining supply will be allocated for market liquidity, partnerships, and rewards. The developers emphasize that venture capital firms will not have special access to these tokens and will have to purchase them on exchanges like other users.
In the broader crypto industry, there has been growing criticism of venture capital firms for investing in projects that later see their tokens lose significant value post-listing, leaving public investors with losses. Despite a downturn in crypto funding in 2023, recent reports indicate a modest recovery in the market. However, Hamster Combat’s developers remain committed to ensuring that their project stays true to its principles, rejecting traditional venture capital in favor of a more community-driven approach.
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