Whether you are investing using our strategies or not, to make good trades and investments, the most important thing is DATA.
Based on our proprietary algorithms, you can access the same data we use in our various trading strategies, and also in our own hedge fund 1.2 Capital (for accredited investors only).
All our strategies and the hedge fund are overperforming their respective benchmarks by a significant margin.
For better flexibility depending on your needs, you can chose between 4 levels of subscriptions:
- Alpha Rider: for people who...
- Crypto Maxi: for people who...
- Crypto Rider: for people who...
- Bubble Rider: for people who...
Find out more below, or click here to subscribe on Patreon.
Our data subscriptions levels:
Perfect Plan for Small Teams
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Perfect Plan for Small Teams
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Perfect Plan for Small Teams
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Perfect Plan for Small Teams
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Here is all the data we provide in our subscriptions:
Included in the "Alpha Rider" level and up
Alpha Trading Videos
Levels: Alpha Rider, Crypto Maxi, Crypto Rider, Bubble Rider
Frequency: Weekly
Once we week, you'll get a video explaining XYZ...
It's valuable because XYZ...
Here's an example:
Bot Trading Report
Levels: Alpha Rider, Crypto Maxi, Crypto Rider, Bubble Rider
Frequency: Weekly
Our bot trading report will show you XYZ...
It's valuable because XYZ...
Airdrop Farming Report
Levels: Alpha Rider, Crypto Maxi, Crypto Rider, Bubble Rider
Frequency: Weekly
Our bot trading report will show you XYZ...
It's valuable because XYZ...
Here's an example:
Yield Farming Report
Levels: Alpha Rider, Crypto Maxi, Crypto Rider, Bubble Rider
Frequency: Weekly
Our bot trading report will show you XYZ...
It's valuable because XYZ...
Here's an example:
Included in the "Crypto Maxi" level and up
CryptoMaxi Updates
Levels: Crypto Maxi, Crypto Rider, Bubble Rider
Frequency: Instant
Our bot trading report will show you XYZ...
It's valuable because XYZ...
Here's an example:
Included in the "Crypto Rider" level and up
Dynamic Portfolio Updates
Levels: Crypto Rider, Bubble Rider
Frequency: Instant
Our bot trading report will show you XYZ...
It's valuable because XYZ...
Here's an example:
Crash Cost Averaging Updates
Levels: Crypto Rider, Bubble Rider
Frequency: Instant
Our bot trading report will show you XYZ...
It's valuable because XYZ...
Here's an example:
Basic Economic Cycle Algorithm Updates
Levels: Crypto Rider, Bubble Rider
Frequency: Weekly
Our bot trading report will show you XYZ...
It's valuable because XYZ...
Here's an example:
State of Crypto Currencies Algorithm Updates
Levels: Crypto Rider, Bubble Rider
Frequency: Weekly
Our bot trading report will show you XYZ...
It's valuable because XYZ...
Here's an example:
Access to The Art Of The Bubble Archives
Levels: Crypto Rider, Bubble Rider
Frequency: Weekly
Our bot trading report will show you XYZ...
It's valuable because XYZ...
Here's an example:
Included in the "Bubble Rider" level
Stock Portfolio Algorithm Updates
Levels: Crypto Rider, Bubble Rider
Frequency: Instant
Our bot trading report will show you XYZ...
It's valuable because XYZ...
Here's an example:
We'll teach you how those strategies work for free: simply click on one of the buttons above and we'll send you a mini-course presenting said strategy in details (or add you to a waiting list until we have the documentation ready).
With that said, there are some limitations to "Do it yourself" : risk of error, suboptimal data, time investment, etc.
So if you want access to our dedicated and optimized algorithms, and weeky/daily updates on all our strategies, consider joining our data subscriptions.